Legal business governance can be a time consuming distraction from profit-making business operations. Neglecting proper business governance, however, can lead to a multitude of liability risks and uncertainties. It is important to have proper business documents in place, to understand the regulations affecting your industry and to conduct affairs and meetings in accordance with legal requirements. This will reduce your company’s risk of liability, reduce owner and shareholder disputes, and will reduce the possibility of the owners being held personally liable for the operations of the business.
At Roselli Griegel Lozier, P.C., we work to make the governance process as easy as possible. Some of the services we provide in this area are as follows:
- Selection of proper business entity
- Prepare resolutions, meeting minutes, notices, bylaws, operating agreements, articles of incorporation, and other business operation documents
- Attend business shareholder, director and owner meetings
- Prepare shareholder and owner agreements
- Advise and assist with regulation compliance and licensing
- Dissolve businesses and obtain tax clearance
Please contact us if you would like assistance with business governance or if you have any questions about its effect upon your current business situation.