We are in the business to solve problems – your problems and legal challenges. Sometimes we work with you to find the best solution and sometimes we work together to prevent problems from arising. With our depth of knowledge in a number of areas, we are able to view situations from multiple sides to provide our clients with the best solutions for their needs, now and in the future.

Legal Solutions for Businesses
Our law firm has built a reputation in New Jersey as a trusted source when it comes to business and commercial law. Effective and efficient legal representation is a necessity when running a business. Decisions that you make now will have lasting consequences. Our firm is ready to provide you the below business legal services.

Legal Solutions for Government Agencies
The attorneys of Roselli Griegel Lozier & Lazzaro, P.C. have a wide breadth of experience in government representation and have longstanding roots in central New Jersey. Municipal court judge, municipal attorney, prosecutor, planning board attorney, zoning board attorney, special litigation counsel, Mayor and committeeman are some of the present and past positions held by our attorneys.

Legal Help for Individuals
Do you need legal information or a lawyer? We can help you better understand the law of your legal matter. We have helped countless clients get the best outcomes over the years. We can protect our clients’ futures and even get cases dismissed. We deliver for our clients.